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Hi, I'm Katelyn!

Software Engineer  

I'm a passionate founder and developer with experience building applications from the ground up. From backend data structures to UI design, I've done it all.

My Expertise




React Native

Data Architecture

UI Design

Untitled design (3).png

Cue the Curves

The social shopping app made specifically and exclusively for plus-size fashion.

SDK, Frontend, Data,, Posthog, Airship

SDK Implementation

My team integrated several SDKS into both our React Native and XCode Mobile Applications. This involved transitioning from to Posthog and Airship, allowing for improved functionality and user experience within our apps.

Frontend, Figma, Whimsical, Agile

Frontend Design

My team developed the designs for our iOS and React Native using a combination of Whimsical and Figma. We developed low-fidelity mockups for each round of brainstorming using agile methodologies, and high-fidelity mockups to guide software development and test user interaction.

React Native, Frontend, Rest API, Git, Visual Studio Code, SDK

React Native Mobile Application

This project featured the debut of Cue the Curves for both iOS and Android. The application boasted features such as a user posting feed, user authentication, and integration with third-party SDKS. Although the team eventually transitioned to native iOS applications, the project provided valuable insights and learning experiences for future development endeavors.

Backend, Visual Studio Code, Git, Django, Rest API, GraphQL

Django Database & API

I developed our backend using Django! In this project, I created database models with Django's models, and implemented the API using both the Rest API framework and GraphQL. Additionally, this project handles user authentication, passwords, and security to ensure a seamless and secure customer experience.

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