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Full-Stack Developer 

iOS Engineer 

Hi, I'm Katelyn!

Software Engineer  

I'm a passionate founder and developer with experience building applications from the ground up. From backend data structures to UI design, I've done it all.

Programming languages: Swift, Python, Javascript, Git

Web tech and frameworks: SwiftUI, Django, React Native, Rest API, GraphQL, JSON, Postman 

Databases and tools: XCode, Github, VSCode, PostgreSQL, Docker,, AWS 

📍 Born and raised in Thousand Oaks, California

🌊 Former Water Polo enthusiast and avid skier, capturing moments through the lens of my camera 📸

🎓 University of Colorado, Boulder alumni with a Bachelor's Degree in Economics, complemented by minors in Business and Spanish

🌟 Proud Alpha Phi alumni 

💻 Embraced the world of full-stack development through a comprehensive bootcamp experience, leading to a pivotal role as the Lead Software Engineer at Cue the Curves startup

🚀 Elevated to the position of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Co-Founder, steering the company's vision and overseeing all aspects of app development from backend to frontend

📱 Driven by a passion for crafting seamless user experiences, I'm now seeking opportunities as an iOS developer to continue shaping innovative apps and delighting customers

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